Small Thoughts Blog

Clive’s eclectic expertise often finds him making novel connections between unexpected subject matter areas - such as putting machine learning with tomato plant disease, banking crises with workplace health and safety, gas exploration with artificial intelligence, and psychology with tourism.

In this regular blog, Clive tackles critical questions about the science and best practices of leadership, management and business.

Sustainable change? Only gritty leaders need apply.
Clarise Forte Clarise Forte

Sustainable change? Only gritty leaders need apply.

Change really is the only constant. Indeed, if you follow the branch of philosophy that inspires me, everything is change, and everything is process.

It’s all a matter of scale, but whatever the scale, achieving sustainable change is never easy, unless you’re pretty single minded. Why is that so?

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True learning creates sustainable futures
Anna Stanford Anna Stanford

True learning creates sustainable futures

Let me guess. You’ve read a hundred or more articles on the importance of learning to you and your organisation.

So, why is organisational learning so important that people like me keep writing about it?

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