Why Are Authentic Purposeful Objectives So Much Better Than Big Hairy Audacious Goals?

Authentic or Audacious?

Authentic, purposeful objectives and big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs) are both approaches to setting goals and objectives. Still, they are distinct in several key ways.

Authentic, purposeful objectives align with an individual’s or organisation’s values, beliefs, and purpose. These objectives are meaningful and driven by a more profound sense of purpose rather than just external factors such as market demands or financial considerations.

On the other hand, big hairy audacious goals (BHAGs) are bold, ambitious, and often lofty goals intended to inspire and motivate individuals or organisations. BHAGs are often designed to be challenging and stretch an organisation’s abilities. They are intended to drive progress and innovation.

While both approaches have their strengths, authentic, purposeful objectives are often considered to be better than BHAGs for several reasons:

  1. Alignment with values. Authentic, purposeful objectives are aligned with an individual’s or organisation’s values, beliefs, and sense of purpose, which can increase motivation and engagement.

  2. Sustainability. Authentic, purposeful objectives are often driven by a more profound sense of purpose, which can increase the likelihood of achieving the goal and sustaining the effort over time.

  3. Clarity. Authentic, purposeful objectives are often more precise and specific, which can increase the likelihood of success.

  4. Relevance. Authentic, purposeful objectives are often more relevant and meaningful to individuals and organisations, which can increase engagement and motivation.

Ultimately, the choice between authentic, purposeful objectives and BHAGs will depend on the individual or organisation’s context and specific needs. However, both approaches are effective when used appropriately, and it’s essential to consider the strengths and limitations of each approach when setting goals and objectives.

The Big Hairy Switch to Authentic Purpose

Many companies have successfully switched from “big hairy audacious goals” (BHAGs) to authentic, purposeful objectives. One example is Patagonia, an outdoor clothing and gear company. 

For many years, Patagonia was focused on growth and profitability, and its goals were focused on expanding its product line and increasing its market share. However, the company realised this approach was not aligned with its values and purpose. Patagonia’s values are centred around environmental conservation and sustainability, and the company wanted its goals to reflect this purpose.

In response, Patagonia shifted its focus to setting authentic, purposeful objectives aligned with its values and purpose. For example, the company set goals to reduce its carbon footprint, promote sustainable practices in its supply chain, and support environmental conservation efforts. These goals were specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound, reflecting Patagonia’s commitment to its values and purpose.

Patagonia created a more meaningful and purpose-driven business that resonated with its employees, customers, and stakeholders by making this shift. The company continues to be a leader in the outdoor industry. It has become known for its commitment to environmental conservation and sustainability.

Where to Start? Seven Steps to Authentic Purpose

Developing authentic, purposeful objectives involves the following steps:

  1. Clarify your values. Identify your core values, beliefs, and purpose. Consider what is important to you and what you stand for, and use this information to guide your goal-setting process.

  2. Conduct a self-assessment. Take time to reflect on your experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. Consider what you have learned from your successes and failures, and use this information to identify areas for growth.

  3. Identify your vision. Develop a clear and compelling vision for your future. Consider where you want to be in 5, 10, or 20 years and what you want to accomplish.

  4. Set ‘CADISS’ goals. Once you have a clear vision, set goals that align with your values and purpose. Make sure your goals promote the following:

    • Complexity. How many sub-objectives are there and how are they interconnected?

    • Awareness. How aware are stakeholders of an objective?

    • Difficulty. How likely is it that the objective will be achieved?

    • Importance. What is the qualitative or quantitative value of the objective?

    • Specificity. How clearly is the objective stated?

    • Schedule. What is the duration of the task(s) leading up to the objective and what is the deadline?

  5. Prioritise your goals based on their importance and urgency. Then, consider the available resources and the effort required to achieve each goal.

  6. Create an action plan. Develop a concrete action plan that outlines the steps you will take to achieve your goals. Make sure you clearly understand what you need to do, when you need to do it and how you will measure progress.

  7. Be accountable. Finally, hold yourself accountable for your goals. Make sure you have a support system and take ownership of your progress. Celebrate your successes, learn from your failures, and continually adjust your goals and action plan as needed.

By following these steps, you can develop authentic, purposeful objectives that are meaningful, relevant, and aligned with your values and purpose. This can increase your motivation and engagement and increase the likelihood of achieving your goals.

“Authentic Purpose” is Just Another Fad

Understandably, you might see “authentic, purposeful objectives” as just another fad, as there are many buzzwords and trends in the business world. However, setting goals aligned with your values and purpose can significantly benefit your business.

Having a clear purpose and understanding of what is essential to your business can help drive motivation and engagement among your employees and create a sense of meaning and direction. This can lead to better performance, higher employee satisfaction, and improved customer loyalty.

When your goals align with your values and purpose, you are more likely to make decisions that align with your beliefs. They’ll also be consistent with your business culture. This can help build a strong brand identity and increase your business’s resilience in facing challenges and changes.

So, “authentic, purposeful objectives” may seem like just another trend. However, setting goals aligned with your values and purpose is based on sound business practices. They can have lasting benefits for your business.

The Benefits of Authentic Purposeful Objectives

The argument for setting authentic, purposeful objectives is rooted in the idea that a clear sense of purpose and direction can drive motivation and engagement. This, in turn, leads to improved performance and better outcomes for the business.

Here are some key benefits of setting authentic, purposeful objectives:

  1. Motivation and engagement increase when employees understand their employer’s purpose and values and how their work contributes to achieving those goals. This also leads to higher levels of productivity and job satisfaction.

  2. Improved decision-making. When your business has a clear sense of purpose and values, it is easier to make decisions consistent with your beliefs and culture. This can help build a strong brand identity and increase your business’s resilience in facing challenges and changes.

  3. Better alignment with stakeholders. When your business’s goals are aligned with its purpose and values, it is easier to build trust and relationships with customers, investors, and other stakeholders. This can lead to improved customer loyalty, increased investment, and better business outcomes.

  4. Improved performance. Setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound goals that align with your purpose and values can help to focus your efforts and drive better performance. By tracking progress against these goals, you can continually assess and improve your business’s performance.

Feel the Benefit

Setting authentic, purposeful objectives can significantly benefit your business, helping to drive motivation and engagement, improve decision-making, and increase performance. By focusing on what is essential to your company and aligning your goals with your values and purpose, you can create a more meaningful and purpose-driven business. Further, this will resonate with your employees, customers, and stakeholders.


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